Roger Mann, PhD is an economist writing about principles of science in relation to the social sciences. He is the author of Antimarket Economics. Blind Logic. Better Science and the Diversity of Economic Competition (Praeger, 1996). A major influence is The Art of Scientific Investigation, by W.I.B. Beveridge (W.W. Norton, 1957). Sometimes, the social sciences have not made full and appropriate use of the tools of science. As a consequence, important aspects of human psychology and society are being undervalued in the mainstream. Economics emphasizes logic at the expense of observation, the most fundamental tool of science. Behaviorism has caused psychology to downplay introspection as a useful tool for psychology. Psychology and sociology have never fully developed a model for understanding the human animal. Generally, we humans are not comfortable with objective observation and analysis of ourselves. This makes it difficult for the social sciences to update dated paradigms to better understand and cope with the rapidly changing technologies and realities of the modern world.